Download The Wirral Residential Service Guide Here
Wirral Residential Service
Upton Road, Bidston, CH43 7QFFacilities:
- 35 beds in total with separate male and female accommodation
- Ballroom for service user events and meetings
- Onsite activities include access to gym equipment, weights and running machine, pool table, karaoke, games console, TV and DVD player, BBQ area, reflection area, sensory room
- Appropriate off-site activities include, cinema, walks and bowling
- External one-to-one counselling specialising in sexual abuse and grief/bereavement from RASA

- Therapeutic Community model one-to-ones
- Life story work
- Full group work programme
- Key work one-to-ones
- Cognitive behavioural therapy

Prison Fast Track Programme
Our Wirral Residential Service runs a specialist Prison Fast Track Programme that takes prisoners directly on release from prison. This allows prisoners to be released early and to work on their substance misuse within the community. This opportunity gives them a better chance to integrate back into society and to gain the skills needed to live substance-free lives.
Please visit our glossary for definitions of the above.

How to refer:
Clients can be referred through their local authority. We also take self-funded clients, please contact the service on 0151 652 2667 or email for more information.
Acceptance Criteria:
We provide for people 18 years of age and over who wish to address their substance misuse in an abstinent environment.
In order to meet your rehabilitation aims safely and effectively we use a comprehensive person-centered assessment. With your consent and involvement, we assess your individual health, communication, mobility and safeguarding needs. We endeavour to make adaptations to the programme, communication and environment where possible in order to ensure that our services are as inclusive as possible. Following assessment, with your consent, we may ask for further information in order to assess your needs.
We provide a medically-supervised therapeutic detox in a number of our services. For clients who require a detox, specific criteria apply. Please contact us for details.
Our programme is delivered in English and so, whilst we endeavor to provide translated and accessible programme materials, basic English comprehension is required. Phoenix offer a range of Residential Services designed to meet differing care needs. On assessment, we may recommend the most appropriate Phoenix Residential Service to meet your needs.
We are committed to treating our staff, clients, their families and carers in a manner that is equitable, free from discrimination and ensures dignity and respect for all.
Evidence of Effectiveness
A review of the international evidence for Residential Treatment Services shows that there is a strong and consistent evidence base supportive of the benefits of residential treatment that derives both from treatment outcome studies and randomised trials. To read a review of the evidence by Sheffield Hallam University's Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice click here.
What did the Care Quality Commission (CQC) say about the service?
"Clients were very positive about their care and treatment and commended the skill and enthusiasm of the staff who worked there. Carers described being fully involved in care and treatment and that they were also well supported by staff."

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